Seven Core Traits


God invites us to know him and trust him. It’s an invitation to    growth and transformation. He takes what is not working in our life and masterfully weaves it together with his love and grace to renovate our heart and reshape our life. 

God gives us desire; he knows what thrills our hearts and speaks to our souls.

Whether your path takes you somewhere you don’t want to go: through grief, heartbreak, or pain,

or somewhere you choose; a new relationship, new neighborhood, new job, or other opportunity – discover how to hear your own  heart and find clarity with

the Seven Core Traits.

I was caught up doing the “right” things: working, loving, and serving. Life wasn’t going the way I planned. I studied, reasoned, and  prayed. I  wrestled with confusion, frustration, resentment, and disappointment. I was exhausted from the stress and pressure of trying to hold everything together. I was apprehensive for my future.  

Change, and a new journey began for me after a tearful meeting with my friend, Pastor Bill Farrel. He listened carefully and helped me recognize who I wanted to be, and the life I wanted to live. I came away with a list of 7 traits that challenged me. A turning point came when I began to define and pursue the desires of my heart. 

Sharing those Core Traits, and helping others discover what matters most to them is a passion of mine.

Contact us if  you would like  someone to come alongside and help you create a plan and  action steps to move forward. We are here to listen carefully, ask empowering questions, explore options and celebrate with you.
